Find a recruiter
Hire for urgent, critical roles with a trusted recruiter
SEEK Recruiter Network connects you with experienced and trusted recruiters, who specialise in filling roles like yours fast.
Make hiring easier with a recruiter
New talent pools
Recruiters are experts at headhunting top talent, even those who are not actively looking.
Outsource hiring admin
A recruiter handles sourcing, screening, interviews and references, giving you time back to focus on what matters.
Specialised knowledge
Recruiters bring hiring and industry expertise to help your role stand out and attract better candidates.
Find the right recruiter with SEEK Recruiter Network
Quality assurance
Pay for results, with a 90-day money-back guarantee* to ensure you’ve found the right person.
*Subject to SEEK Recruiter Network Terms of Use.
Find a recruiter fast
Our platform matches you with experienced and reputable recruiters who specialise in your industry, role and location.
Fair and simple terms set by SEEK
Our terms are built to give you confidence and peace of mind that you’re paying a fair price and getting the right service.
Headhunt passive candidates
Recruiters know where to find top talent in your industry and how to incentivise them to apply – even when they’re not actively looking for a job.
How it works
Post your role
Post your role and requirements. Experienced recruiters will apply if they can fill your role.
Choose an expert recruiter
Use ratings and reviews to help you select a recruiter to work with exclusively.
Hire the right candidate
Your selected recruiter will work with you to find the best candidate for your role.
Hire with confidence from start to finish
Use recruiter ratings and reviews and messaging to select your recruiter. Reach out to our dedicated local service team whenever you need help.
^Terms and conditions apply. For more information, email our Customer Service team.