8 ways to keep your employees motivated
Here are eight ways to keep your team motivated, right through the year:
1. Communicate your vision
There’s no perfect time to communicate your vision – it is always a good time for you and your managers to discuss and communicate the company vision and values with your team.
2. Get feedback from your employees
A great way to boost morale is to get feedback from your staff. Ask employees what their work highlights were last year, what could be improved and how they’d approach things. Once you’ve compiled the feedback, use it to identify areas for improvement and prioritise these for 2016. Regularly keep staff informed about the progress of plans to maintain engagement as the changes develop.
3. Start planning
The New Year is a time when all businesses should plan ahead. Planning out what kind of activities and incentives you might use to engage your employees during 2016 is the perfect thing to communicate to your staff. It gives them something to look forward to and makes them feel involved in the planning phase.
4. Employee rewards
While salary is a large part of effective employee engagement and motivation, there are other ways you can reward your staff. Staff reward programs that are linked to performance and positive behaviours can play a major role in maximising employee performance.
5. Small rewards do encourage
Employee participation can be stimulated through more frequent additional, smaller rewards. This enables not only the high fliers but all staff who make a valuable contribution eligible for rewards. This offers all staff members the opportunity to be successful.
6. Openly reward achievements
Just as important as the reward itself, is the way you present it to your employees. Presenting awards in front of peers with praise from the boss for a job well done is a great way to create positive, lasting memories spread the festive cheer.
7. Keep ‘em keen
At the start of the year, employees can contemplate new career directions or challenges. However, employees who feel valued will be less likely to look for a new job. A good way to deal with itchy feet is to discuss opportunities and objectives for progression. Having clear goals and a development plan for 2016 will help employees feel important and motivated.
8. Celebrate
Whilst it’s essential to concentrate on work and productivity, it’s also important to celebrate. Not every business can justify the big budget parties, but it’s still important to prioritise a celebration – even if it’s on a tight budget. After all, all work and no play can be uninspiring.